Today is 4/20/07. It’s the anniversary of the Columbine shootings, Hitler’s Birthday and it’s the day of too many threats on schools across the country. What the heck is wrong with people? Why do they feel the need to try to copycat a horrible thing? Are they really in that much need of attention that they are willing to destroy countless lives to get that attention? Jerks. Selfish little jerks. That’s what they are. Nothing more. I am sick of the horrific images blasting out on the tv screen, showing that gun-wielding maniac pointing his weapons at the camera. If the media would just quit ‘exhaulting’ the murderer and put more of their focus on the victims and the heros, I think things would be different. I don’t care about his psyche, I don’t care that he was rejected as a human being, I don’t care that he felt picked on. I care about the Holocaust survivor that endured hell, only to be murdered teaching the subject that he loved. I care about the RA, who had a triple major and worked hard to get where he was. That’s what I care about. That’s all I want to see about the matter.
As you can tell, I am feeling much better than I felt the last time I posted. And a lot has happened since then. A lot of no good.
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