1. It’s cheaper!

Believe it or not, eating healthy is cheaper than eating junk! Now, stay with me for a sec. How can eating healthy be cheaper? A 2-liter of soda is $1, a bag of chips is $2, a frozen pizza is $5 and can feed 2-4 people. I know, but here’s the thing. When you eat whole foods and start actually getting the nutrition you need from the foods you eat, you end up eating less! Your body is hungry for nutrients, not necessarily calories. When you are lacking certain vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, etc, your body sends signals to let you know that you need to eat. How else are you going to replenish what you need? Whole foods can supply much of what your body needs, which can actually help curb your appetite. Healthy fats are satiating, so you feel full faster.

2. Healthy prepared foods are everywhere

Grocery stores study eating habits and know what the latest diet crazes are. They know that to bring in certain customers, they are going to have to have plenty of foods to choose from. Let’s face it, everyone is on some diet or WOE (way of eating), whether you know it or not. Do you get most of your food as junk food? It’s your diet. You eat all fast food? That’s your diet! Now, some people are very aware of what they are eating and try to eat a certain way. It’s still a diet, but it’s more intentional. Vegan, vegetarian, paleo, keto…all diets or WOE’s. So, in order to cater to these people, stores are starting to have more convenience foods that are healthier than they used to have. The produce department at the store I frequent has mini veggie trays, perfect for one or two people to snack on. The deli section has a personal size meat and cheese tray. There are even vegan or low-carb options in the freezer section!

3. You’re not alone

It doesn’t take much to find other individuals trying to eat the same as you or who are willing to share tips and tricks that are perfect for your situation. Facebook is great for finding groups that will support you for whatever you need. On your Facebook page, go to the search bar and type in the diet or WOE you are looking for. Viola! There will most likely be 100’s, if not 1000’s of groups that will support you. I am personally a member of too many Keto groups. Instagram has unlimited pictures of foods that will give you inspiration. Pinterest is the mecca for people who want to find new recipes or ideas. All you need is a few minutes and you have massive amounts of information at your hands.

4. Preparation is key

Junk foods are everywhere. Let’s be real, there are entire stores that are almost only full of chips, hot dogs, candy bars, slush drinks, soda, etc. They’re called ‘convenience’ stores…or party stores if you’re from Michigan. The ‘man’ makes it super easy to eat like crap. But, it’s also easy to be prepared with healthy foods. Sure, it may take a little more planning, but it’s 100% doable! On the weekend, make a dozen hard-boiled eggs, pre-cut some veggies, use your slow cooker or electric pressure cooker, aka Instant Pot, and prep some meals for later in the week.

5. Healthy food tastes great

Homemade is almost always better than fast food. And did you know that there are TONS of copycat recipes for most of your favorite fast foods but in a healthier version? It’s true! For example, apparently, there are copycat recipes for Wendy’s Frosty that taste just like the real thing! Here are the results of a Google search I did. About 870,000 results! And that’s just one example. I even found a recipe for Doritos flavoring that I plan on sprinkling on some homemade popcorn. Yum!

6. Or eat out, but choose wisely

There are all sorts of websites out there that will let you know the best menu options to choose when you go out to eat. If you visit a chain restaurant, do a simple Google search for that restaurant. For instance, I searched for ‘keto foods to eat at Chili’s’ and ended up with a lot of results. If the restaurant is more of a local favorite, don’t be afraid to ask the wait staff if there is anything that meets your dietary requirements. Most are happy to help you out.  

Bottom line…

Sure, everyone loves Wendy’s fries dipped in a chocolate Frosty, but healthy eating is more intentional. With just a little information, planning and support, it’s totally doable. Do you have anything you can add to this list? What has helped you eat healthier?